Sunday, July 11, 2010

-100 Intelligence Points

Thought of the Day:

People who type "gangsta" are the world's largest morons. I recently added a lot of people from High School on Facebook only to realize they lost more intelligence points since I last seen them. When you type your statuses in "gangsta" it just leaves people scratching their heads wondering if you put your finger in an outlet one too many times! I really don't get people. O.o


  1. hey, just testing out the LJ thing.

    yeah i just had someone from high school send me a friend request a few minutes ago. she's a nice girl, but we barely spoke or hung out back then. i want to keep my facebook current and personal. and well, the less people i have typing "gangsta", the better. ;)

  2. I keep her in my contacts for a laugh and a confidence boost. As long as there are people like her making their way in the world, i know i have nothing to worry about. :)

  3. Sometimes I feel terrible making fun of people, but honestly it is so mind numbing to see people write like that. >.<
