Thursday, July 22, 2010

Rant of the Century

1) I do not need to be informed how much you frequent the gym, how much you go running, biking, or whatever the hell you do. Now it is okay to say it ONCE in a great while, and it does not annoy me; however, informing me once a day or even once a week is a bit much. If you need people to keep you motivated, go to a shrink or pay me 50 dollars every time I have to read your stupid status!

2) Selfishness + Cheapness = Annoyed and Pissed off Italian. People who go and buy the world for themselves and complain they don't have the cash to do things they are suppose to do should be taken out in the back and shot. Congratulations! You are a cheap douchebag with a spending problem! I wish I was Visa or Mastercard so I could take advantage of your stupidity!

3) I'm not a Democrat or a filthy Republican. I am Independent. I am tired of politicians fighting much like siblings do on Christmas Day, so if I post something about retarded Republicans or the "Tea Party" (such a gross misrepresentation of the actual Boston Tea Party) don't hate me and not talk to me anymore because my views are different from your own. Last I checked, this is a "Free" country where opinions are valued, or perhaps if they are not the same as yours they are not free or valued. Whatever.

4) Firestone, kiss my ass! Don't send me mail. I'd rather burst in flames than put your nasty tires on my car! Burn in hell!

5) It is Jude not Judas. Do you think a childrens hospital would be named after the apostle that betrayed Jesus? In this country, it is doubtful.

Ah, that felt good.

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